Upcoming 20/15 Visioneers Virtual Conference

Lab automation solutions for addressing the reproducibility crisis

Strateos is excited to, once again, take part in the 20/15 Visioneers Cloud Lab, High Throughput Experimentation (HTE), & Lab Automation Virtual Conference between November 8-10th. The conference will bring together experts in these fields to demonstrate cutting-edge technologies and their impact on the advancement of high-quality science.

Laboratory automation, HTE, and Cloud Labs could solve what has become known as science’s “reproducibility crisis”. While researchers and technologists are the industry’s biggest asset, the introduction of variation and human error in experimental R&D work contributes to non-reproducible science.

“The Cost of Non-Reproducible Science is beyond ~$40 Billion a Year…”

Augmenting the human aspect can enable better, faster and more reproducible experimentation—and much more of it! Effectively scaling the scientific impact can accelerate the pace of innovation and unlock scientific discoveries faster than ever before.

The appetite for cloud science is increasing, and turnkey solutions such as Strateos’ LodeStar will be a key driver of transformative change across the industry, no matter the current stage of digitalization.

Strateos’ own Marc Siladi, Executive Director of Operations, and Adam Wheeler, Director of Marketing - Market Development, will be jointly giving a Keynote presentation to kick off the conference on November 8th titled “Beyond Digital: Leveraging Digital Transformation to Scale Impact”.

In this presentation, Strateos will provide the audience with an in-depth understanding of the path to automation, while establishing the value of a transformed unit. Marc and Adam will review the new enablers within LodeStar and how they are leveraged to absorb both routine and non-routine lab work. In the end, the audience will understand not only the transformation available, but also the scaled impact realized.

We look forward to connecting with you at the conference.

Register here!