February Updates

This update includes a range of improvements across the platform including visual refreshes, new container creation tools, improvements to the API and bug fixes.

A fresh coat of paint

IMPROVED  With the rebrand from Transcriptic and 3Scan to Strateos we are continuing to roll out visual refreshes to the web platform. So you should now see Strateos branding in the web application.

Bulk container creation

NEW Users can now create plates in bulk from groups of CSV files or .zip archives of CSV files. Next to the bulk tube upload button, you will find the bulk upload plate button. Click this and configure the plate type, cover status, and storage condition for all of the plates you will be creating. Select a .zip or a group of properly formatted CSV files, and your upload will begin processing the containers on the left.

Users can set the cover status of new containers

NEW Users now have the ability to configure the cover status of a container during creation. Some users were seeing that they were prevented from launching runs on containers where protocols assumed that a container was covered. This feature now lets the user set the cover status of the container, so that a run can immediately be launched with that container even when its status is Pending Shipment. Cover status can be set during bulk plate creation or during individual plate creation.

Python 3 support for packaged protocols

NEW Users can now package and launch protocols written in both Python 2 and Python 3.

To use Python 3 for your packaged protocols simply update the ”command_string” field in your package’s manifest.json file from python to python3. For any Python 2.x packages keep using just python in the command string.

  "license": "MIT",
  "format": "python",
  "protocols": [
      "name": "sample",
      "display_name": "sample example protocol",
      "categories": [
      "description": "This is an example description for a protocol.",
      "version": "0.0.1",
      "command_string": "python3 -m sample",

You will also need to update your projects requirements.txt to be named requirements-pip3.txt

Container type endpoint

IMPROVED Users were only able to fetch all container types on the end point https://secure.transcriptic.com/api/container_types. Users are now able to fetch individual container_type records by using the container type id such as:

curl --request GET \
  --url https://secure.transcriptic.com/api/container_types/1-flat \
  --header 'x-user-email: test' \
  --header 'x-user-token: test@test.com'

LCMS datasets bug

FIXED Some users were experiencing downloaded LCMS datasets lacking a .zip extension. This how now been fixed.