The World's First Cloud Lab, HTE, Lab Automation Virtual Conference - Event Recap
Between October 11-13th, Strateos was a proud participant at the 20/15 Visioneers Cloud Lab, HTE, Lab Automation Virtual Conference alongside other thought leaders in the space such as PerkinElmer, Dotmatics and Gingko Bioworks.

Between October 11-13th, Strateos was a proud participant at the 20/15 Visioneers Cloud Lab, HTE, Lab Automation Virtual Conference alongside other thought leaders in the space such as PerkinElmer, Dotmatics and Gingko Bioworks. The theme of the conference was how laboratory automation, HTE, and cloud labs are enabling model-quality data generation to drive better, more efficient experimentation to accelerate scientific discoveries.
The first day was focused on cloud labs -- Ben Miles, Ph.D., Head of Product Management at Strateos presented a webinar entitled A Direct Route to Smart Labs – Reimagining and Redefining Labs As Smart Data Centers, which focused on democratizing and expanding access to advanced technologies through automated cloud labs in the era of computer-aided life sciences.
The goal at Strateos is to use automation and software tools to rapidly generate high quality data at scale needed for modern data science (AI) applications to improve the scientific process. Strateos provides flexible solutions and access to automated technologies via its smart labs and software to efficiently interrogate complex scientific landscapes in synthetic biology, drug discovery, and more.
Along with the increasing complexities of R&D lab operations, many private labs have in-house instrumentation that is often times under-utilized, which are key drivers in the development of Strateos’ latest software offering, Collaborate. SmartLab Collaborate enables automatic data capture and centralizes scientific workflows through experimental request management and asset and workflow calendaring, which frees scientists from the day-to-day operational minutiae that can distract away from scientific design and execution, and generate clean AI-enabled data that will aid in the discovery of new scientific insights.
“The goal at Strateos with our recent software offering is to democratize access to state-of-the-art infrastructure to help researchers industrialize their processes and accelerate usage of digitalization across organizations.” Ben Miles, PhD, Head of Product Development at Strateos.
Additionally, Strateos’ flexible API, such as the integration with PerkinElmer’s Signals™ Notebook ELN provides extended functionality, allowing researchers to go directly from design to automated execution with a click of a button.
Finally, Ben wrapped up by outlining collaborations with industry leaders like Ginkgo Bioworks and Eli Lilly who have successfully integrated Strateos’ platform to aggregate and strengthen their core technologies. As well, he summarized projects with DARPA and University of Wisconsin that demonstrate how Strateos’ automated cloud labs could be integrated into powerful AI and machine learning strategies to rapidly and reproducibly execute iterative testing cycles.
To view Ben’s webinar in full, please click on the video below: